POLKA - Pollution Know-how and Abatement

University of Pisa

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The University of Pisa is a medium/large size university with a strong and renowned tradition in hard and applied sciences. The university has about 50,000 students with over 2000 permanent staff. The Physics Department is one of the major centres of excellence in Italy for the undergraduate and postgraduate education of young researchers in physics and related disciplines. Involving over 300 personnel, it has a long-standing record of excellent research in areas as diverse as particle physics, theoretical physics, as well as applied physics, material science, cold atoms and condensed matter. There is a strong interaction with other departments, e.g. mechanical, chemical and electronic engineering, chemistry and biology, as well as with other higher education and research institutions such as, Scuola Normale Superiore, Consiglio Nazionale per le Ricerche (CNR), Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica Nucleare (INFN).

Pisa is supervising the ESR for research task 4.3.