POLKA - Pollution Know-how and Abatement

Entrepreneurship Workshop #3

28-29 October 2021, SISW, Leuven, Belgium
Olivia Hornsmann (UTUM) led a challenging hybrid Entrepreneurship Workshop: Communicate the Value of your Research. Fellows were asked to make and present objects to illustrate their defining qualities and to build and test a prototype to represent their area of research in order to practice the skills they will need in explaining and pitching the practical aspects of their research.
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Peter, Simone and others building their defining quality objects

Fellows start building
their defining quality objects

Peter, Simone and others building their defining quality objects
Participants share their defining quality objects

The ESRs (and Maria)
shared snapshots
of their objects

Participants share their defining quality objects
Alessia and Vertika building their research prototypes

Developing research prototypes
ready to present to the group

Alessia and Vertika building their research prototypes
Alessia, Vertika and Breadphones

Alessia pitching bread-phones
to the group, assisted by Vertika

Alessia, Vertika and Breadphones

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